Kensington Bay
Management & Advisory


Articles & Resources

Change: How Organizations Achieve Hard-to-Imagine Results in Uncertain and Volatile Times

John Kotter is regarded by many as the authority on leadership and organizational change. In this book he details how the level of complexity and volatility has significantly increased in the past several years bringing significant challenges to an organization’s ability to change and adapt. Overcoming resistance to change and organizational agility are the keys to successfully navigating this new environment.
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Strategic Planning for the Family Business

Carlock and Ward introduce the concept of the Parallel Planning Process, explaining how to integrate the needs and expectations of the family and business systems in order to create an organic and entrepreneurial unit.
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The Nature of Executive Leadership

Zaccaro in this book, research on the skills, knowledge, abilities and other characteristics that define effectiveness of senior executives is examined and integrated in a comprehensive analysis. He presents an integrated framework to develop ways of assessing, selecting, training, and developing executives based on solid empirical data.
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Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences challenges the widely held notion that intelligence is a single general capacity possessed by every individual to a greater or lesser extent. Amassing a wealth of evidence, Gardner posits the existence of eight different intelligences, each as important as the next, that comprise a unique cognitive profile for each person.
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Crossing the Unknown Sea

Crossing the Unknown Sea combines poetry, gifted storytelling and David Whyte’s personal experience to reveal work’s potential to fulfill us and bring us closer to ultimate freedom and happiness. It shows how poetry and practicality, far from being mutually exclusive, reinforce each other to give every aspect of our lives meaning and direction.
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The Leader on the Couch – A Clinical Approach to Changing People & Organizations

Despite the proven benefits of emotional intelligence, organizational life has typically been hostile to the inner world of feeling. This book sets out to change people and organizations for the better, by revealing the ‘dark side’ of leadership behaviour and its impact on performance. Tapping into the startling parallels between the journey to emotional intelligence, the process of psychoanalysis, the practice of leadership coaching Manfred Kets de Vries helps executives, consultants, and coaches to peel back the layers of self-deception and reveal how inner personality – largely hard-wired since early childhood – affects the way they lead and manage others.
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Organizations on the Couch – A Clinical Perspective on Organizational Dynamics

Manfred Kets de Vries argues that unconscious dynamics have a significant impact on organizational behaviour. He explores motivational need systems, conflictual relationships, narcissism, transferential patterns, and makes the case for, and details the path for, the creation of organizations in which people feel truly connected, contributing, and engaged.
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